Folco Banfi
Folco Banfi
Address: Rue des Parcs 84, 2000 NEUCHATEL (Switzerland)
Telephone: +41.32.544.28.46
Mobile phone: +41.78.672.25.20
Personal data
Nationality: Swiss
Date of birth: 16th July 1971
Civil Status: single
Languages: very good knowledge of Italian (mother tongue), English and French; average knowledge of German; basic knowledge of Spanish.
Professional experience
Business Information Analyst (2008-2010) and IS Systems Analyst (2010-present) for Philip Morris International Research & Development (, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Web Developer (2000-2004) and Technical Expert (2004-present) for SQLI (, Renens, Switzerland.
Between 2000 and 2007, worked as a contractor at Philip Morris International (, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Web Designer for FRI-NET, Fribourg, Switzerland (1998-2000).
Research and Teaching Assistant at the Computer Science Institute of the University of Fribourg (, Switzerland (1995-2000).
Summer jobs at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (, in the graphics and visualization group (1994) and in the unix system administration group (1993).
Auxiliary Journalist for Swiss Teletext AG (, Italian language service (1991-1995).
PhD in Computer Science
University of Fribourg, Switzerland, September 2000.
Subject: "A Study on Visual Dissimilarity between User-Produced Pictorial Examples and Digital Images for Content-Based Image Retrieval"
Degree in Computer Science
University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 1995.
Degree obtained with "mention très bien", GPA 5.5 out of 6.0 (obtained while working part-time to partially finance my tuition)
Professional skills
Project Manager of a large project aiming at the implementation of a validated Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) platform (2011).
Project Manager of a project aiming at the implementation of a multi-site Asset and Facility Management platform  (2010).
Project Manager of a project aiming at implementing an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) platform (2008).
Managed several small- and medium-sized projects while working as a consultant for Philip Morris International (2001-2007).
Managed several student projects at the University of Fribourg (academic years 1996-97, 1997-98 and 1998-99).
Quality Management and Auditing
Contributed to the establishment of the PMI R&D quality management system, especially in the Information Technology area, developing among others most of the procedures related to computerized systems validation. Participated with a consultant role in similar efforts for the Product Development and Asset Management areas.
Member of the Internal Auditor pool at PMI R&D, performing assessments and audits on processes related to computerized systems and on implementation and maintenance of validated computerized systems.
Records and Information Management coordinator for the Scientific Information Systems group.
Software and Computer Technology
Project Management:
Microsoft Project.
Software Suites:
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Visio), Adobe Photoshop.
LabWare LIMS, LabVantage Sapphire.
Over the course of my career I have worked with some of the most widespread programming languages, web technologies and databases, such as C#, Visual Basic.NET, Java, JavaScript, PHP, C++, SQL, ASP.NET, JSP, HTML, XML/XSL, SQLServer, Oracle, Business Object, Verity.
Established and co-managed FRI-NET, a web-design company specialized in developing websites for small businesses (1998-2000).
Other occupations
Amateur photographer (2005-present), with some works used on websites and magazines.
Volleyball: player (regional level, 1988-present), coach (1996-present) and referee (1999-2003).
Disc Jockey (1999-2001).
Manager of the cafeteria at the "Maison de Champréveyres" in Neuchâtel, managing a crew of 5 people (1992-1994).
President of the fan club of 1986 american football Swiss champions Lugano Seagulls (1986-1988).
Listening to music (from new age to pop, rock, and dance).
Reading (history books, science fiction novels).
Real and simulated stock car racing (co-director of the online racing league between 2005 and 2009).